Big Cook Out Plans for Labor Day

Tomorrow is the first holiday this year that I am actually looking forward to. This is one holiday that needs no travel, no expensive gift giving, and I can just relax and enjoy good food with good friends. That is what life is supposed to be about, and I intend to do more of just that!

This weekend has been just like every other weekend, but tomorrow is Labor Day, and my neighbors are throwing a min-block party with kegs of beer, everyone grilling, and people showing up with salads and covered dishes.

I am grilling corn on the cob for my part, and also bought a bunch of melons and spent almost 2 hours today carving out the watermelon, honey dew and 2 kinds of cantaloupes to make a melon salad for everyone. It takes a long time using that little half round melon ball scoop! Usually I just cut melons into chunks for eating at home, but since this is a big party, I thought I would go fancy and make them into melon balls and then put them back into a carved watermelon rind. The carving is not real fancy, but I was able to make it look somewhat like a basket. I should take a picture and post it on Facebook tomorrow after I set it all up.

Looking forward to chilling with friends and neighbors and chowing down tomorrow afternoon. Not much chance of rain, high’s in the 80’s and it should be a perfect day!

New York City?

So, we were talking about New Year’s Eve and if we should stay local or maybe go somewhere to celebrate. Alexa wants to stay home and not worry about drunk drivers and the chance of getting mugged or something bad happening. She wants to make sure the New Year starts out happy and with everybody that she loves safe.

I’m fine with staying home, but it is not the same as being out in the street for a big party with free concerts and fireworks and 100,000 drunks singing “Auld Lang Syne.” Heck, if we are going to go out, why not just do it up and go to New York City? That is one big party at Times Square! Wouldn’t it be fun to be a part of that?