
Last year we had a lot of kids come to the door for trick or treating. I was concerned that we night run out of candy before the night was through, but we managed to squeak by with just a few pieces left over at 9:00 pm, and we turned off the porch light at 9. I don’t think that kids should be roaming the neighborhoods after 9:00 pm, and it appears that most of my neighbors believe the same thing.

This year we bought an extra bag of assorted candies from Sam’s Club. If we have any left over by the end of the evening, at least this is candy that we like and can enjoy eating ourselves over the next couple of months.

Here it is 5:00 pm and we already have kids coming to the door! They are very young kids with their parents, and I’m sure they will tucker out quickly. It is fun to see the imaginative costumes that are being worn this year.